Thursday, August 17, 2006

The one where Todd takes the Star Trek quiz

"They task me. . . And I will have them."

You are Kahn's Man-Boobs:

Kahn's Man-boobs...........................80%

Expendable Character (Redshirt)....80%

Mr. Scott ........................................70%

Guinan's weave...............................70%

Jean-Luc Picard..............................65%

Deanna Troi....................................60%

Wesley Crusher (cadet)..................60%


Mr. Sulu (Undiscoverd Country)......55%

Lt. Worf (not DS9)..........................50%

Geordi LaForge..............................50%

James T. Kirk (Captain).................50%

Wesley Crusher (acting ensign).....45%

Tribble #4487 (the brown one).......40%

Data's emotion chip.......................34%

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